what is the best place to go ???


i am seriously thinking of traveling to the U.S to remove unwanted hair from my face and my neck. i have been searching and reading for months now.

and i think that electrology 2000 might be the best choice for me (until now) .

is there any better place in the U.S ??

How can someone answer that question for you without knowing what you plan on having done, where you are located, and how frequently you plan to be in the states to keep up the work you do?

It is possible that with your location information, someone here knows of a good place near you.

my case is very bad, i have hair covering my whole face and neck from all sides.

i don’t want to clear my whole face i just want my beard and mustache reshaped.

this is my first priority because i can’t shave for 5 months now, i don’t know where to stop <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" />

i live in saudi arabia and there is no single place that uses electrolysis not even in the neighbors countries.

my plan is to stay in the states until i finish my whole treatments and i might stay longer. after few months i will get my BS degree in software engineering and i hope that i can find decent job in the states that will help to cover all costs.

HI.I am not sure when did u sent this message, but Have you checked out …places in Dubi,or lebanon , these countries are up todate by the newest tech. aspecielly in this feild…donot forget to check them out…