I am quite hairy and having been trying to remove most of my body-hair for some time. I have tried almost every immaginable cream or lotion on the market and the results have quite frankly been less than acceptable. I tried laser (too expensive), waxing (painful), Enleve (Okish but expensive and results not uniform), Epil-Stop 'n Spray (burned my skin), Epil-Stop 'n Sport (better than the sprash but not effective and expensive), and a host of others too numerous to mention.
Right now, I am using my trusty gillette mach3 turbo and shaving cream (on my chest and arms), but it grows back so quickly and takes a long time. I wax my back (which is painful but bearable).
Is there ANYTHING on the market today that is cost effective, quick and easy and does what it promises to do?