What hair must go first?

I just wanted to pose the question, “What beard hair did you or are you planning to permanently remove first?”

Are you going with a Laser, electro or DIY? Did you and you professional map out an order to remove specific areas first or a general reduction approach?

I am a do-it-yourselfer, you can see my progress on the DIY electrolysis section of this board. I am of Irish/German heritage, and and thus blessed with both a red AND a black beard! My skin is freckled and very transparent. My black beard is probably a good candidate for laser. Heavy foundation to cover my beard looks terrible on what should be a freckled complextion.

Beard removal is therefor a priority for me. Specifically, the first area I wanted to get rid of is that little spot right under the center the nose down to my upper lip. There was no approach to shaving and beard cover that could stop those big hairs from poking through. Second, it is the spot right beneth my nostrils, yes, it hurts, but darn if those aren’t impossible to shave. Third, I have worked on where lip-liner goes on the upper lip. Those little white hairs will mess up how lipstick wears. Removal does hurt and requires a small needle. I am currently working on the remaining mustache, this doesn’t hurt that much but the hairs are very stubborn. I am also spending lots of time on the corners of my mouth. When this is complete I will go on to remove hair in the area of under the center of my bottom lip. In early tests I can tell that this hurts a bunch.

Hopfully, I will start with a pro soon and begin to work from the neck up also.

I have read that sometimes the upper lip is left for last because it hurts the most. For me, that is the hair I hate the most! What have your beard removal experiences been like?


For most of my Trans Clients, we start with the areas most difficult to shave. For most that means we start with the ball of the chin and the creases around it, then move to the corners of the mouth, and the upper lip. Next come the cheeks, and we then shift into a mode where we maintain the “Mask Area” while working our way down the neck starting from the jawline.

If I were working on you, I might clear out the crease between the lower lip and the ball of the chin (I could do that in an hour or two) and then go to the upper lip. On the first day you would have lots removed, but not all, because there is just too much hair there to really go at it the first hour. We would have the whole upper lip cleared out in about two weeks or less. (I don’t assume that you would be seeing me every day. If you did, we would finish that part much sooner.

Hi James:

That seems to be my experience so far too. I just finished my 67 and 68th hour last night.

The face above the jawline gets cleared out each visit and we do some on the neck which was the last area we started on.

At the start she would sometimes take a couple of hours just on clearing out the upper lip. Now that takes a few minutes at most and the hairs are not very thick or visible.
After 6 days growth it is now difficult for anyone to see any growth at all.
