What do you use to shave?

I work for a marketing company and we are promoting Schick Quattro Titanium Trimmer. I got to try it out and it rules.

We created a fun shareable widget where you can upload a photo of any face onto a steamy video clip of a hot pillow fighting scene featuring 2 lovely ladies and your chosen lead.

It is real funny and easy to use. You can check it out @ trimflixx.com/

What do you guys use to shave?

I use the rolling razor i used to use the quatro but i made a switch for something unique and great control

My wife and I both use the Gillette Mach 3. I have started keeping my blades stored in the shower, but in a container with rubbing alcohol to keep it sharper, longer. I’ve read different things about the number of blades, so I don’t know that I’d try a four blade razor as I’m already struggling with razor burn on my shaving down south.

my pink rolling razor with sensitive skin cartridges leaves my skin silky smooth i love it so much ;>