I will concurr that guys really notice very little, and probably couldn’t care less if you have some body hair. In fact, all women have some fuzz on their chest and abdomen, I think, but usually it is so fine and light you cannot really see it. I think it is natural, and not unattractive. If you had thick chest hair like a man, then I thinkn you’d want to shave it, I’d notice that for sure. I don’t think its particularly attractive on men, and not on women either. I’ve seen substantial chest hair on female bodybuilders, but most ofthem shave theirentire body, and look perfectly fine. Men knonw women shave their legs and pits, and don’t care that you have hair there, why would they care if you have some “happy trail” hair as well. Just shave it or wax it or use electrolysis if you don’t like it. Some men prefer women with lots of pubic hair, by the way. Others prefer women smooth down below, and you can certainly arrange that if you wish. Also, lots of women have a bit of upper lip hair, and men probably give little thought to it, as long as the woman removes it somehow. I do notice when my wife neglects to shave her legs, because I hate the feel of stubble, though if i didn’t touch her, I wouldn’t notice. But, her leg hair is fairly light in colour. I shave my legs daily, and in a reverse of the norm, think she should return the courtesy. The one thing I do notice is arm hair. If a woman has real dark arm hair, I do think she should shave it, or wax, electrolysis, something to get rid of it. If the hair is soft and light in colour, I think it looks kind of sexy. I know this sounds kind of goofy, but I think if a woman doesn’t have too much pit hair, it looks kind of sexy if they haven’t shaved in a few days, and get a little stubble there. I was in Hawaii once and the waitress on the beach was very pretty, with a great body, and I noticed over a few days didn’t shave under her arms, and I thought her stubble, which was dark in colour, was fairly sexy. Of course, if it is fully grown out, that is definitely NOT sexy. That probably is how some women feel if a guy , the right guy let me add, doesn’t shave has face for a few days, and has that stubbly look.