What causes these marks? Angiomas?

What is the reason that these little red spots are suddenly appearing. Not sure exactly what it’s called but these pictures are a little bit close… In the first photo its the second set of photographs ,under spider angioma, the one on the left hand side that doesn’t look so bad… looks a lot like a cross between that and the second photograph… Suddenly poppping up on my face? Is it something I’m doing?



I do not know the cause of these, but most are easily eliminated with electrolysis, although not all electrologists perform capillary work. It is commonly available in the UK.

Poor skin care, lack of moisturizer and sun screen is how it was explained to me by my dermatologist. Diet(?) made contribute to some extent. I’ve actually had 2 small ones removed by my dermatologist

Edit: Looked at the wrong picture, i was thinking the cherries which i’ve actually cauterized myself with thermolysis. The Venous like looks like a blood circulation problem.