What can I do! I'm so sad

Why is the question I keep asking myself… Why did I go back to her! I’m so sad inside, I’ve cried too many tears :cry: How did she not see something was wrong… Arrrggghhh, I guess I consider myself lucky that it didn’t go ant further… Oh I’m so sad about it though!

I know there’s nothing I can do now, what’s done is done! It’s been a month since the 3hrs of hell, it was so swollen for the first week and a half. I was really hoping it wouldn’t look too bad but now that everything has settled down the scarring is so obvious!

I saw a doctor a week after and she said it looks like a severe burn and gave me a prescription burns cream to help it heal.

My question for the professionals out there, is there anything more I can do to try and minimise the look of the scars? I feel like a wreck and am lost! Any tips, advice, help… anything :sob:

EDIT: for context, it was thermolysis using a very old looking machine that was branded Sterex, it had a little twisty knob to set the power and a dial that showed the power setting. It was set to 60.

A thermolysis setting of 60 is the same across Sterex machines regardless of age, and it’s entirely too high for facial work, especially if she was applying the current for 1 second or longer.

A month isn’t long enough to understand the long-term impact of this poor work. I imagine it will look much better in 18-24 months, but it’s difficult to say the extent of scarring that will remain if at all. I recommend getting a silicone gel patch that you can use overnight and while at home. A visit to the dermatologist would also be a good idea if you want the best possible healing outcome. Aside from waiting to see how the skin heals itself, the dermatologist can direct you to microneedling, laser and skin treatments that may have an impact.

Are you up to trying something? First, I’m going to agree with thermo’s opinion. It was too intense a treatment but right now you are seeing your skin at it’s absolute worst. It will get better, we just dont know by how much. In the meantime, this is something recommended a long time ago by a departed electrologist here, and I’d like to see if it may help. It has a good reputation for collogen production in human skin.
It’s inexpensive enough to find out if it’s going to help anyway, and nothing ventured bothing gained.
I’d suggest trying a little bit of this stuff on the area for awhile, and see if it helps. Again Icant promise anything, but it may.


Thank you so so much, any tips or advice is really appreciated. It’s worth trying, and not too expensive :wink: I’ll see how it goes.

thank you so much for the advice, I’ve got a dermatologist appointment soon for a skin cancer check so I’ll ask for his advice about the face as well. Thank you again :blush:

This is what I recommend