What are the three danger areas Mike talks about?

The late Mike Bono often mentioned three areas that he would never do a full clearance on—I believe two were the corners of lips & the chin—but was the third?

Center lip… Out of respect, I’ve corrected the typos in your title.

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I do wonder if he would have done full clearances in those areas if he used a method that used insulated probes.

I am not aware there were any exceptions to this rule. No probe (including insulated) guarantees overtreatment protection.

There were cases of danger zone scarring where electrologists used insulated probes.

Indeed, the “danger zones” arent exclusive to overtreatment issues either. Mike had supposed that treating large hairs along a line ( rather than scattering work or addressing in different sessions) was enough to create a linear scar. He actually has pulled this and discussed it on many pictures posted here by clients over the years . . Areas like the chin sides ARE however more prone to over treatment concerns, due to their proximity of one hair follicle immediately adjacent to a second and a third, all being treated this would lead to overstatement from energy bleeding from one follicle to the next regardless of the probe used. Just as much attention to detail must be placed into not creating discernible patterns that may lead to undesirable lines and wrinkles. This is especially true at the sides of the upper lip.

Hello, very late here but if there are 3 areas prone to over treatment with clearings and one is the chin, the second in the whole upper lip, I think the third is the glabella. A lot is to do with the blood capillary network for the healing and these are small areas potentially with dense hair growth so clearings (if dense) are not ideal and should be carefully planed with treatments. Well, as far as I know…