what a cruel double edged sword!

hairloss and excessive body hair in men is stemmed by the same thing that increases libido and sexual drives? so basically god made me full of testosterone which makes me really want sex. and it also makes me hairy and bald, making most woman not want to touch me. cruel!

I totally agree with you! :frowning:

I wouldn’t say “most”. “Most women” are not as superficial as you think.

Absolutely. Although I don’t have any hairloss, guess i have that going for myself atleast.

The same thing applies to some women too. It is definitely a curse!

Centuries ago it was discovered relationship between male potency and hair loss. Aristotle and Hippocrates observed that eunuchs were not bald. And the castrated singers of opera from the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, men emasculated to prevent voice change during adolescence, had abundant hair.
Indeed, for those who were in despair, castration was the most effective method to avoid baldness. Chemical castration with cyproterone acetate goes in that direction, you will keep your hair, but you’ll probably lose your girl.
There remains the notion that bald men are very manly men, an idea that is liked by many but no real basis.

The movie industry does not usually opt for bald actors (although many producers are bald men), but when they do … what woman does not admired Yul Brynner and his sex appeal? I believe he was nicknamed “the divine bald”. John Malkovich, Nicolas Cage, Bruce Willis (much better looking bald than with that ridiculous hairpiece), Samuel L. Jackson, Sean Connery are real examples that can have a bald so successful with women as one that has a full head of hair.

… and, that ain’t all Jossie!


I don’t think removing the hair lowers your I.Q. however. You think? ha ha ha

ha ha ha, I think that Dr. Alias could have saved all those years of “hard” job if he had reached the same conclusion as tr3y0248, hairy men have more time to study because they have fewer opportunities to have sex and, therefore, their academic record is brilliant.
The findings of this good doctor take me to draw a new conclusion: according to this study, Alias should have a full head of hair, and very little body hair. Otherwise tr3y0248, who is smarter than the average…of European Psychiatrists :wink:

That’s right! They dont really care as long as you have lots of money to give them the princess life they really want. :slight_smile:

That’s right! They dont really care as long as you have lots of money to give them the princess life they really want. :slight_smile: [/quote]

Lol, princess life? What is that? I’ve always pampered and dined myself in a relationship…