Weekly Electrolysis with no end in sight


I am a female in my early 30s and have been attending almost weekly electrolysis (thermolysis) appointments of approximately 20 minutes in duration since mid-February 2024. At present, I have completed just over 6 hours of treatment. My treatment areas are terminal hairs on the sides of my chin and a smattering of terminal hairs on my neck immediately under my chin.

By way of background, I ceased plucking and waxing (have never shaved) these areas in late January 2024 in readiness of undergoing electrolysis to permanently treat the areas. I commenced plucking/waxing hairs in the region at the start of the pandemic (circa 2020) as the hairs were becoming darker, thicker and bothersome (my face is otherwise covered in blonde vellus hairs) and believe I stimulated its growth. I do not know if I have a hormone imbalance or PCOS and have not been tested as such (I do not have any other symptoms consistent with those conditions), but I concede that the pattern of my hair growth is a hormonal area. I am of southern European descent and had a grandmother who could only be described as hirsute. As an aside, I have a heart condition (arrhythmia) that is under control with medication, but my electrolysis practitioner refuses to perform any other kind of electrolysis due to possible contraindication.

My query is whether I am progressing well in this short amount of time. My practitioner urges me to book fortnightly but my hair grows too quickly (approximately 4-5 days) and I have had to book weekly appointments to catch all the new hair growth and do not feel comfortable walking around with growing hairs (I trim them with eyebrow scissors in between sessions). I often feel that my practitioner is rushing my sessions and not all hairs are cleared (i.e just this week I had about a dozen hairs that were not zapped). I do not know whether this is due too short appointment time or a vision issue. I am happy to undergo longer sessions and have a high pain tolerance but she is adament that 20 minutes is sufficient. This worries me as they may not be caught in the relevant growth stage and thus delaying my completion time. On my consultation, I was advised that my treatment timeframe was 8 months. After undergoing online research, I have discovered it is likely at least double that timeframe. I am torn about continuing with this practitioner or going elsewhere in order to clear me completely each session.

Any and all advice will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks and regards.

Ps I will post a series of progress photos for your review.

We electrologists all have our strategies. I like to fully clear every 6 weeks. I looked at your first photo and I can say that it would have taken me 60-90 minutes to clear ALL the hair the first time using thermolysis. Thereafter, I would have seen you every 6 weeks to clear the NEW hair that would be available in that new cycle. The hair gets less and less and the appointments stretch out toward the end to 10-12 weeks until there is no more hair to remove.

I donā€™t like 20 minute appointments for most situations because I like full clearances. In general, you would need 8-15 full clearances every 6 weeks for 1 - 1 1/2 years, until there is no bothersome hair left.

People want the hair off as quickly as possible. They donā€™t want bad skin healing reactions. This is possible and preferable by many electrologists who choose to do this with skill and knowledge.

We all do it differently, with the same end results - permanent hair removal. I like the clear and wait model every 6 weeks.


Hi Deedra,

Thank you for your in depth response - it was greatly appreciated. You have clarified many misconceptions that I had about the electrolysis process. I will speak to my practitioner and try to reach a happy medium where I am not attending weekly appointments infinitely. I sincerely wish I was able to wait 6 weeks between appointments but due to having a front-facing job, it would make me very self-conscious. However, I might give it a try over the Christmas holidays!

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You are most welcome.

If she is able to fully clear you every 6 weeks, then you will have about 3 weeks with no hair. The next new group starts showing up after 3 weeks and then you can clip or shave so others wonā€™t see anything, until you show for your next appointment. This strategy moves things along nicely, as long as you NEVER tweeze, wax, sugar or thread in between treatment sessions. If your electrologist is unwilling to explore other strategies or if you are not on board, itā€™s okay, you will still get finished eventually.


I would ask the question? During treatment are you feeling the hairs being removed. If thereā€™s a pull or tweezing sensation the hair will grow back. I would want to treat all the hair every 3 weeks. I use blend on the face not thermolysis. Itā€™s gentler on the skin. Every 3 weeks insures the hairs are in active growth and also not too many of them.

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Thank you for the insight, Deedra.

May I ask how your clients who have never shaved deal with the new hair growth between appointments? Also, are hair removal creams i.e Nair and Veet allowed? I would be more comfortable using them than a shaver if I could apply it to dark hairs only (I am covered in blonde hairs).

Hi Jdesloges,

Thank you very much for your response and professional insight.

I confirm that I have never felt a plucking sensation. My practitioner has remarked that I have healing ā€œdivotsā€ on the upper parts of my chin where hair does not appear to be growing and no longer have a 5 oā€™clock shadow. I, too, have noticed some hairs are growing thinner and softer. My principal concerns are the hairs that are growing near the side of my chin/jaw grow too quickly and poke out like cacti which make it hard to cover with makeup, as well the hairs that are missed at my appointments. I would love to increase the length of time between sessions but that is what is stopping me from doing so.

If hairs are continuously being missed Iā€™d be concerned. Does your electrologist use loops or a microscope? Do you feel the needle being inserted? Parameters of treatment is you should not feel the needle being inserted, you should feel the current and it should be uncomfortable and you should not feel the hair being removed. If these are not met the hair will grow back. All hair needs to be treated each appointment because of course results will not happen on hairs not treated. I hope this helps.

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Hi Jdesloges,

Thank you for following up.

I took a short hiatus from having treatment due to being sick. Last week I had a session with a different practitioner. She removed every single visible hair in the same amount of time and I am very happy with her service. The hairs that have been growing this week are much finer and there is not enough hairs to be treated this week (a first!).

As an aside, I am grateful to my former practitioner for reducing the amount of hair I have, but too many hairs were being missed at each session, loupes and reading glasses were not being worn, and I often felt rushed out the door.

I hope the worst is now behind me.

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Thatā€™s great news.

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Would you mind sharing where you are in this journey? I started in a situation very similar to yourself and have seen incredible improvement but I still religiously attend electrolysis sessions every 3 weeks for a minor smattering of hairs primarily under my jaw but some on the right/left chin area. I am so grateful for the process and my practitioner but I consider it unending two years in. Best of luck to you. :heart:

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Hi Ludovica,

Thank you for your message. Sounds like you have achieved some amazing results and are now at the tail end of your journey. Kudos to you because it really is a hard slog and not many people understand how much of a commitment it is to grow the hairs out between appointments and diligently attend appointments year round.

By way of update, I am now 1 year and 33 sessions (11+ hours) into my journey, my sessons are (still) 15 minutes long, and my appointments are now spaced 2 weeks apart (I tried waiting 3 weeks over the xmas break but was uncomfortable with the level of growth I had). I now have a major reduction of hairs on my left side but my right side is still quite hairy but patchy. The majority of hairs are finer with the exception of half a dozen thick stubborn hairs at any given time. However, if I trim them between sessions they look stubblier than they really are.

My electrologist has told me that the majority of her clients are done anywhere between 2-3 years and with maintenance sessions thereafter. She has also told me that a tell-tale sign you are nearing the end of your treatment is when you start getting ingrown hairs because there is not enough ā€˜energyā€™ for the hair to sprout to the surface and hairs are no longer sliding out easily.

All the very best with the rest of your treatment. Please also keep us updated.

Ps I am happy to exchange progress photos over private message (I am suddenly camera shy haha) to keep ourselves motivated.

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So lovely to hear from you! The 2-3 year timeline is heartening. I am cresting into year three now so Iā€™ll keep hoping! I donā€™t like waiting three weeks either but I will say that iā€™m much better at having what little hair i have left now in between sessionsā€¦ itā€™s simply SO much better than what it was at the beginning I am grateful every day I donā€™t have to shave or pluck or be embarrassed. I will look around for my before photos to see if i still have them and send if I do!