Hi, Im sure Im not posting this in the right place but all I can say is I am so glad I found your sight, I had no idea one existed and I would’ve wasted alot less money on rubbish had I known earlier…
I see everyone here is desperate to find a permanent solution to hair…but I have a couple of questions…
1)If visiting an electrolysis lady is the only option for permanently removing hair, what are those of us who wish to remove hair from more private places (e.g buttocks) supposed to do?
my other statement may seem rather obvious,
2) I am 21 and have been waxing my chest for about 2 years ( very on and off though, I would say I have done it no more then 10-15 times in my life…I would consider myself a rather hairy person but the hair on my chest is definitely not very much, What I am saying is, I had always believed that repeated waxing does eventually kill the hairs off…and It appears to be true, what are other peoples views on this?
- I thought it would be clever to start shaving at 13 and I have a very thick beard, I have to shave everyday if I dont want the following day too be very painful…does anyone know a sensible realistic way to soften and lessen the stubble?
Thanks very much everyone