Waxing reduces men's leg hair ?

I get different answers, probably because there isn’t one answer.
I really need to reduce my hair in the legs, i don’t want it to be all shaved or something, just make it less.
Any help? plzzz


If you have coarse, dense, black hair, then go seek out a laser specialist who has a good laser that is right for your skin color.

Three or four sessions over a years time should help a lot.

Waxing gets credit for reducing lower leg hair, when in fact, the hair reduces naturally all on its own as a person ages. Hair needs blood to nurture it and as we age, the circulation to our lower legs decrease and so follows the amount of hair. Less blood - Less hair. If someone waxes regularly over time, waxing gets the credit, even though that’s not necessarily so.

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nice sharing!!

@anthonyk i recommend you to check out the list of some best hair removing cream hope it will help you alot https://thefashionupdates.com/hair-removal-creams/

Try using men epilators. My brother uses it, and he is really enjoying it.
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You could consider hair removal methods like waxing, sugaring, or using hair removal creams. These methods can help to thin out the hair and make it appear less noticeable over time compared to shaving, which typically results in thicker regrowth. It’s always best to test these methods on a small patch of skin first to ensure there are no adverse reactions.