Waxing, plucking and tweezing clinical data

These forms of epilation been around for centuries. It is almost universally considered temporary hair removal, although some contend that continued epilation with these methods can lead to small amounts of permanent hair loss. There is no clinical data to back this up, however.

Human clinical studies

Bassukas (1989): Used a microscope to determine four common types of hair roots seen after plucking.

Infections traced to waxing

Mimouni-Bloch (1997): Describes two adolescent females who suffered permanent scarring from unhygienic home waxing.

Herrero (1996): Traces the sources of infected leg lesions in three patients to wax epilation.

Villa-Real (1989): This letter traces an infection caused by waxing to a foam used during the procedure.

Moreno Amado (1992): This letter discusses folliculitis caused by a post-waxing infection.

Tomas Vecina (1990): Another letter showing the potential for infections from waxing.

Irritation from waxing while on certain medications

Woollons (1997): The authors of this letter discuss irritation caused by waxing in a patient taking Roaccutane.

de Argila (1996): This brief article discusses persitent skin irritation in some people who perform professional waxing.

Goldberg (1989): This letter states that those using Retin-A (trentinoin) may experience increased irritation from waxing.

Egido Romo (1991): Another letter discussing waxing complications in a patient using isotretinoin.