Waxing arms cause more hair growth?

I know that waxing the face will cause increase hair growth, but does that apply to waxing female arm hair? I really want to get my arms waxed but don’t want to risk it.

Probably not because it is not an area that is heavily influenced by hormones.

I’ve waxed plenty of times and not noticed it get worse, but I don’t know if that’s common. However, you may distort the root system of the hairs which could make it a little harder to get electrolysis later if you ever want to (I’m dealing with that as we speak).

Also, be careful of ingrowns if you have sensitive skin.

Thanks for the replies. I do not plan on getting electrolysis on my arms anytime soon because of financial reasons. I will be starting treatment on my face and bellybutton next week, but I do not want to make my arm hair worse for future treatments. I will go ahead and wax for the time being, because I hate having prickly stubbly arms lol.