want to buy

ok… i want to get some do it yourself electro thingy…

now it must be permanent… and im i little worried about scaring and such…

so what is a good product?.. and sum tips about using it…

As far as tips go, it is a little complex to just spell it all out in one brief summary. Basically, you stick a needle in the follicle or the hole that your hair comes out of. You stick it to the bottom and give a little shock or radio waves that heat the area quickly. Blend would be doing both of them at the same time and flash is a very quick type of thermolysis. This destroys the area and the hair can not come back if done correctly. If you look, you will see a category that has good machines that are listed on ebay.

That is about as basic as you can get it for a description. You will learn more if you purchase a machine and ask questions. It is also necessary to read a good book on it before you give it a shot so you don’t botch yourself up.

You should also be finding an electrolysis buddy to trade work with, because trying to do this on yourself will frustrate you to no end, and you will think you have wasted your money.