Very Fine hair(untouched) on the side of stomach

hey everyone,

I just wanted to make a quick query and hopefully receive some input from professionals.

Those very fine hairs with very very little pigmentation color that are on the side of the stomach,could the be eliminated for good with only one electrolysis session? I have never touched the hair.

I am asking because the last time I trimmed the hair on my abs, I happened to trim those very very fine hair and now the came back darker and more visible.

Not quite one single clearance, but few.

When i did my first job of this kind i was positively surprised because of the efficience even i could achieve.

The only reason they are looking much darker is because when you trim hair you are actually trimming the tapered end, therefore the middle point of the hair is thick and gives the illusion that hair is thicker and darker.

Hair grows in cycles. Even if you have few hairs, you’ll still have to go through all the cycles to get all of them. So it won’t be 1-2 treatments. It’ll be more. But they’ll be short.