Very embarrasing question >.<

Please don’t laugh…but is there any chance of hair dimisihing from waxing the lower back/buttocks region, or will that only induce hair growth like in most other areas. I don’t wanna do anything that will make my situation worse!! If it does induce growth, I will just get an electric shaver for the time being until I can save up for electrolysis

Waxing doesn’t reduce growth on this area over time. However, it probably won’t increase it either. Many people wax and nothing changes. I’ve waxed for years before laser and electrolysis and nothing changed. Induced growth is usually an issue on women’s faces, not this area really.

Few, awesome!! Thank you

Hi lagirl, are you happy with your laser results? Where did you laser and where did you use electrolysis?

I’m thinking about doing laser on arms and legs in the future but I dont know what to do about the large areas of dark but vellus hair on my body.

Did you do electrolysis on large areas of thin, dark hair? Doesnt that take too long?

Laser is not an option for fine, dark hair. So what is left? Electrolysis. How long is too long for you?

Lagirl is in Africa, but you can read her hair removal testimony located in her signature.

Oh I see, thanks. Too long is longer than a year for me.

I’m also scared of scarring and the hair returning. I also dont know how to go about finding a fast, skilled electrologist.

I went to a consultation a while back, but felt hesistant about it so I didnt move forward with it.

Then you out of luck for laser or electrolysis. When done properly, they both take about 1 year to 1.5 years. Scarring is rare for both electrolsysis and laser. Laser won’t see those fine, dark hairs, but you are welcomed to hope and try.