Upper Lip Thermolysis

Hey Everyone,

So, I’ve been getting thermolysis done on my side burns and chin area since June 2014 and I’m happy to say the areas are clear with the odd hairs coming in every now and again albeit they are thin, sparse and light.

Since, I dealt with my most cumbersome area I wanted to explore thermolysis on my upper lip. But, cursory reading has made me conclude that the upper is super sensitive and most prone to problems. I also read that with the upper lip to avoid any such problems is to avoid marathon sessions. I’m not really sure what marathon sessions are. Is that like doing it for an hour straight or something?

Anyways, I was wondering if anyone could give me any insight onto how best to approach upper lip thermolysis and the steps that I can take to minimize scarring and other problems.

Thanks for reading.

Dee Fahey is a great expert in this type of case. I’m sure she will give you the best possible indications as soon as she can.

The OP’s question / concern made me think of this case on a 21 year old client who started treatment November 1, 2012. First session lasted 65 minutes and 752 insertions were accomplished. Most sessions were between 30 and 60 minutes on her upper lip and lower lip. I still see her, but for other areas. Her skin is flawless.

I am comfortable working on the lip flaps for longer than 15 - 20 minutes WITH MY SETUP and strategy. Other may not be and that is perfectly okay! There are many others cases like this one where the same strategy is repeated. When I do any case on any face, I am always watching the skin and I know when to stop and not push it. I have said for years that it is possible to do marathon sessions on the upper lip. The sides can always be cleared, but the middle part of the lip, under the nose, usually cannot be cleared in one session because there is a lot of hair and it is a very sensitive area to work on without anesthetic help.

If an Electrologist is not comfortable working on your upper lip for more than 15 minutes, then that has to be respected! You will still get to your goal one way or another.

The case below was all performed using PicoFlash thermolysis. I still see her for other areas and after three years of observation, her lip is NOT DAMAGED. The skin remains lovely. There are a few hairs that pop through now and then. Five to ten minutes is all that is needed to keep any new hairs under control.

Lip case

Before picture prior to first electrolysis treatment 11-3-12 / bleached hair on upper and lower lip / she had a ton of swirling hair and bleaching may have helped make it less visible, but even so, it was not very attractive.

Close up of bottom lip after several clearances of more than 30 minutes:

After working on the lip an hour:



Progression by August 2013 / almost finished/ she is the hairiest young lady I have worked on. Most women do not have this much hair.

Condition of the skin after working one hour:

Marathon sessions are possible…

The lady I am seeing is in her 60’s and been doing electrolysis since her 20’s. Like yourself I started on the chin but also around the nipples and was clear of any black hairs at a year and now 18 months on zero on the nipples and the occasionally blonde one that I don’t think anyone will see on the chin.
I moved onto the upper lip and I still go every 4-6 weeks to get this treated she might zap one of 2 pair ones on the chin every 2nd visit.
She insists on only keeping to my 10 minute appointment as she said she doesn’t like it when the lip puffs up and becomes bright red it makes it harder for her to see the roots more painful for me and more prone to damage in her words.
Because I know she can do the work I am sticking with her but alas its an extremely slow process that seems like its going to take forever lol
Good luck and stick with your electrolysis she seems like a good one if you have positive results in one area it will hopefully come in the upper lip too.

Let me say, briefly … for a change (I’m typing with one finger) … that what Dee is doing is the best treatment for fine upper lip hairs. “Flash” has always been better for fine hairs and the “Pico” version (I know nothing about it) is purportedly a step up from the historical flash method.

Just to share more information, Pico energy does not spill over, but rather stays confined to the follicle being treated, so one can work longer on the upper lip. It’s fast and fairly comfortable. The energy level has to be perfected though, but that is not difficult to do. The skin must always be watched as with any case we do on the face.

I do Picoflash ( sometimes Synchro thermolysis - the machine gun modality) on transwomen, PCOS’ers and men clients as well, clearing the sides of the lip and thinning the middle upper lip over a couple sessions. As you know, those are 80 unit ++ hairs are beeoches. The outcome is excellent. I will go through my picture library and post some examples later.

I’m not an electrologist, but someone who has received thermolysis on the upper lip. It works. My skin is completely fine, no scarring on my face whatsoever. I also don’t have wrinkles that I can attribute to electrolysis.

My electrologist did this area alongside the sides of my face and my chin, so in a 45 minute appointment she probably spent ~15 minutes on the upper lip. It can be a little more painful than other areas but I think its rewarding. I don’t have to worry about hair removal anymore.

If you find a skilled electrologist, I encourage you to go for it. If the electrologist you had for the other areas of your face is confident, why not go with that person?

I do a lot of flash thermolysis. The epilators I use are xcell pro, platinum, spectrum, and today I just picked up a digital 16 multi-needle gentronics.

On my trans women who have a very full upper lip, I can take 3 hours to clear the upper lip. If they are healthy ( no immune issues - the most common being diabetic ) doesn’t smoke or drink excessively and is well hydrated, swelling will be gone in 3 days. They will heal wonderfully.

Now if they have poorer health it may take up to 10 days for all the swelling to go down.

Keeping in mind READ YOUR SKIN!!! Listen for the sound of blow out and look for blanching then adjust immediately.

If they have poor health and skin conditions I do prefer to thin them.

However when clients come along way, want clearing, have poor skin and health conditions , I do warn them if I clear them, they may have to do skin resurfacing later when they are done with electrolysis.

Give me a healthy person with good skin care and I can clear the whole beard and they will have gorgeous skin in the end.