I would so love the geniuses of this forum to give me a clue or two.
Right now I’m all but done with electro. My main worry right now is my upper lip. The hair that grows there doesn’t have much time left with the amount of electro I’m doing. I get about three or four dark hairs a day there - and most of the rest are almost colorless and fine - though you can see hues of them if you pluck them. I still get tons of these.
I still have that fraking shadow, though! Some days I can see it, some days I can’t - it depends on lighting. It makes me so self conscious! I pass so phenominally well - no one ever knows now that I’m stealth. I worry that this is a tell.
And I worry it means guys will feel the hair on my lips when I smooch them.
Can I expect this is something that will eventually be gone? Do I need to expect my electrologist to wipe all the velius hairs as well? Is this just damage from having so much work done? I have a good friend that has finished electro and she has that shadow too.
What’s the story here?