upper lip reactions- whats your experience

I would like to hear from people that have had treatment on.the upper lip

I have read numerous stories on the net that people start getting wrinkles,pitting on their upper lip around 4/5 months into treatment

I have currently started thermolysis and am very prone to hyperpigmentation which I know will fade,however the lines/pitting maynot

If people have experienced this or not I would love to hear your outcome or progression so far?

Also what kind of electrolysis are you having and what needle is used

I know everyone reacts differently but its good to hear other peoples experiences

I have the option of thermolysis or blend and am still undecided which route to take


Thermolysis - redness for an hour, slight redness for 24 hours, a whitehead or two.

I’m three months into treatment.

I’ve had some thermolysis performed with a stainless sterex probe. My experience with that is similar to emilily’s.
I’ve done extensive blend treatment on upper lip, primarily I use gold f3 ballet probes but I have also used some stainless and insulated probes, also mostly ballet. I do occasionally get some minor scabbing if I really push the intensities and duration, but I dont get anything like wrinkling or any of the “orange peel” efect others have described. Mostly my skin seems healthier for the hair being gone.I do occasionally get a smallish welt like a bee sting that fades in a day or so.


I have had thermolysis performed by two people. The first used an older sterex machine with normal probes and the lady I see now uses an Apilus Platinum Pure and insulated probes. The first treatments left me red for days and I had scabs. The new one doesn’t cause scabs. However, I now have permanent erythema above my lip. The only areas I had repetitive work performed on were the outer corners and outer “edges”. I wanted to see how that went before launching in to do the entire upper lip area. I would say I have had 20 or so hairs worked on on each side, from time to time. Given I have work performed on the rest of my face weekly to fortnightly, but the lip was only occasionally, I would say I have very sensitive skin around the mouth (??). I have not let anyone touch the lip area for over 4 months now, trimming the hairs instead, and I still wake up every morning looking like I have had a fresh lip wax- red skin that I have to cover with a yellow concealer. I don’t know what to do about it.

I am an electrologist and I have had treatment on the upper lip as well. Redness and maybe a white head. I have my treatments performed with a microscope.

I find that older women who had electroloysis 20+ years ago and come back all those years later seem to have this affect on their upper lip. Pitting and discoloration. This could have had to do with the technology back then, the current was too high and/or the magnification wasn’t good enough. I don’t see this with clients in 5+ years.

As long as you go to a good, experienced electrologist with good lighting and magnification and someone who won’t turn it up too high or over-treat the area (don’t go in for too long at once. 15-30 mins a week is good until its clear) then you should not have any issues.

If you have a few white heads or some scabbing that’s ok. Keep it clean, apply polysporin, do not touch or pick. Try different places and see how each of them differ. The higher the magnification they have the better, and ask them to use the lowest setting that will still be effective. If they can use an insulated probe, I believe this helps protect the skin better.

Good luck.

Hi all

Thanks for your responses

I think I will try blend just too see how my skin reacts as thermolysis did give me big scabs even though settings were low and an.insulated probe was used, scab has come off and I now have brown pigmentation which I know in time will fade

Redearthling, that’s a long time to have redness, have you seen a doctor? Did you get this from electro 1 or 2

Have u tried any meds on the area?

Hi flowers136,

I have seen two doctors and two dermatologists. I have been told everything from: it will fade, it might be permanent, its not from electrolysis but more likely to be rosacea or dermatitis. This means I have been told to: do nothing but use Cetaphil and sunscreen, to you need to moisturise the area, to applying Finacea (which I stopped when I read it can cause hair growth-I don’t need to end up worse off) and now an antibiotic (which the doctor says will help rosacea and dermatitis, but the pharmacist says is for rosacea only). Basically, noone knows what to do about it and it has only slightly reduced in colour (from bright red to a very dark pink/red).

I looked on the internet, and thought about trying red light therapy, but then read that can also cause hair growth. It seems at every turn, nothing will help my skin heal but also not cause extra hair growth. I am really sick of covering up (not very successfully) my red mustache every morning and touching it up all day long :frowning:

This redness is healing and will gradually fade on its’ own, without any surface help, although sunscreen is a good idea. Complete fading can take up to one year. Extra zinc and vitamin c may be beneficial.

I have just completed my 4th electrolysis session on my upper lip and chin/cheek areas. I am red and sometimes swollen on my upper lip after each session and form scabs the next day (which fade without issue). The problem is the skin on my upper lip and a couple spots on my cheeks has formed red spots that have begun to darken in color.

Now, even though the hair on my upper lip is mostly cleared, it looks like I have a mustache because of the darkened skin.

Is this normal? What should I do? I thought about buying Obagi Nu-Derm Clear to maybe help lighten it. Any thoughts?