Well its been 10 weeks ago i had my 8th back, shoulders, neck, upper arms laser treatment. I also had 5 treatments on butt and bikini, 3 treatments on chest, 2 on full legs, abs and forearms. This costs me $13,600 so far. I was using the gentlelase at the highest settings 15m 30j. So far the results have been very disapointing, maybe 25% reduction on back and the rest of my body seems to be the same. My laser tech has 25 yrs experiance in the hair removal business and is very good. So hears what i did, i talked to the owner at the Sona center in st louis and showed him my results, he was not impressed. This place use,s the apogee 9300. So hears what he did, he turned on his computer and showed me some pictures of the gentlelase laser, it shows how the laser loses about half its energy because of the cooling system that the gentlelase has and will not penetrate deep enough to do permanant damage. He said he will email me all the info he has. Now hears the deal he gave me, full body, from neck to my toes , 5 treatments $5400 all treatments after that are free . He sounds confident that this machine will reduce my hair to almost nothing. The good news is i will never spend another dollar after this on laser. I will keep everybody updated with my progress.
I’m using Kalo and have gotten good results.
I’ve paid $50 in total.
I ordered it off the internet, picked it up from my mailbox, and spread it on my neck.
After doing this for a few months, the hair started to really slow down in its rate of regrowth, and there appears to be less hair regrowing… actually there IS less hair regrowing, I don’t have a tool to measure this, but I can see from my own eyes.
Whether it will do what they claim and lead to perm hair removal, no idea, but I’ve gotten results and am really happy about rolling the dice with that original 50 bucks.
So it might be a final option for you to consider if you have a bad experience with laser on that second round. Actually I’m surprised to hear that, I’ve heard laser is pretty damn effective. Of course maybe it varies from person to person.
(btw, unfortunately my testimonial is bia$ed, but you can probably find some unbiased testimonials out there)
Rcrules, that is one hell of a price for a full body laser treatment package! You better jump at that offer.
The first laser I was treated with was the Apogee 40, an older model. From what I understand, the 9300 is more powerful and is faster too.
I was quite satisfied with the results from the Apogee, but I have to say I like the Lightsheer better. Less post treatment redness and swelling and the Lightsheer seems to hit the deeper hair follicles better.
The Apogee will get the job done though. The hair will fall out of the follicles faster with the Apogee and many hairs will fly right out of the follicles during treatment. You can actually hear them pop.
Oh, and don’t be alarmed if you smell burning hair, it’s normal.
Good luck with your treatments.
I forgot to add that after 3 treatments with the Apogee, about 50% of my chest hair was gone, even after a few months.
My experience is that whatever regrowth there is going to be will happen within 2 months and that’s it. That amount of hair will remain the same until further treatments take place.
My practitioner didn’t think too much of the Gentlelase laser either. 30 Joules sounds pretty weak for a maximum fluence level. The Lightsheer ET can do 60 Joules max. I get good results at 45 Joules.
rcrules, be sure to get these results they are promising in writing! See if you can get printouts of the results he showed you as well.
RudeBoy, please limit comments about Kalo to the topical forum. As I note there, Kalo is a product which makes a lot of unsubstantiated claims of permanence.