Uh oh, freckles!

So some of you may remember I’m a very fair skinned person (I or II on the scale) and I’m planning on getting one arm treated with laser (I did the other arm with electrolysis). It’s kind of a little experiment. :stuck_out_tongue: My arm hair is black, but I can’t tell if it’s coarse enough to get amazing results. I think I will see a good reduction at least.

Well, last week I got locked out of my house and had to walk for two hours from 12 to 2pm to get help. No sunscreen and it was really hot and sunny. Now this week my arms suddenly have freckles (always get freckles after a sunburn).

Most of the skin is still totally white, but the tops of my arms have enough freckles to presumably interfere with laser treatments. :frowning: Freckles take months or years to fade when I get them. Even with hydroquinone, I don’t think they’ll fade anytime soon. I’ve spent the last year out of the sun specifically to prevent these very freckles, and now all that time and effort is WASTED! I’m pretty upset.

Do I have to postpone my laser treatment? I really can’t wait on this. I have one hair-free arm and one hairy arm and it just looks bizarre.

You can do photo rejuvenation, fairly easy to remove them.

I doubt I could afford that AND the laser hair removal. Though that would be awesome because I hate freckles. :stuck_out_tongue: They will just come right back though. I get freckles from even 2 or 3 minutes in the sun without sunblock, so even walking past the window in my bedroom causes it.

I wish there was a way to permanently get rid of them. :frowning:

Getting new ones is nothing i can do about, but getting rid of them is not a bid deal, can probably do with IPL like face + neck for less than 100 bucks. 1 maybe 2 sessions should be enough.

Thanks, I will keep that in mind. I need them removed from my arms, but if they throw in my shoulders then it’s not a bad deal. :slight_smile:

As long as you are skin type 3 and below, you can do whatever you want.

Why would the freckles interfere with laser treatments? They may get lighter, but they won’t affect the results.

LAgirl- I was worried they would burn since the freckles are dark patches of skin sprinkling the entire top of my arm. If it were a few freckles, I figured they’d get lighter, but for this many I feel it must alter my number on the Fitzpatrick scale completely. There really are a lot of them now, and in some areas they are close enough together to make my skin appear like a mottled III with some spots dark enough to be like a IV or V! This won’t be a problem?

They look so ugly, and I’ve love to just laser right over them and make them fade. I haven’t looked this bad since I was a little. UGH!

I’ve never heard of any burns due to treating an area with freckles. I don’t know if I would be worried unless they’re actual moles. Bring it up with your clinic and see what they say.

Awesome, I will bring it up with them then. Thanks, you’ve put my mind at ease!

(P.S.- If for some reason it does cause me any complications, I’ll report back to you all so that it can at least be a learning experience for other people with freckles, hehe)