uh I am going to take take that andrea is the one who sends the password for the adult forum…if this is not true please let me know…i cannot send emails at the given momemt because I have a problem on my computer that causes an svchost error everytime i come online…i believe it’s a virus but until i fix it i won’t be able to send emails as it won’t send anything when i click on the compose button on yahoo! so if it’s not a problem I would like for you to send me the password to my e-mail address please which is vgcturtlehermit@yahoo.com
P.S. for some reason i can still read my new emails but as i mentioned i simply can’t SEND them if this is a problem I guess i’ll need to find an alternate method of getting the password like using another computer to get on my email…if it’s not a problem i’d greatly appreciate it if you sent the password ASAP