Oh, Barbara, you tickle me!
First off, for clarification purposes, we electrologists don’t tweeze hair - we lift hair out of the follicle that has been properly treated.
I wear custom made surgical loupes and what Barbara says is a funny way of saying what we truly see as electrologists who have a good vision set up. Stereo Magnification like James uses can magnify those hairs even more!
You would be amazed at what the hairs look like on your nose if you could look through our glasses or microscopes. Again, a skilled electrologists with great vision aid can treat any size hair, any color of hair on any color of skin. We do need just a wee little amount of length to grasp the hair after treatment.
I do a lot of hair on top of noses. It doesn’t take long to clear the first time and then to maintain thereafter, until all hair has been permanently eliminated. It is no big deal.