I have been tweezing some of my neck hairs lately so that I do not have to shave the area because it gets too much razor burn. I have been exfoliating and using sacylic acid pads to help with ingrown hairs and infection. Is using the sacylic acid pads ok or should I treat my neck with something gentler?
Have you considered having electrolysis to remove your neck hair so you don’t have to worry about tweezing, exfoliating, infections and ingrowns for the rest of your life?
Aveeno has a nice daily exfoliating formula.
Have you considered having electrolysis to remove your neck hair so you don’t have to worry about tweezing, exfoliating, infections and ingrowns for the rest of your life?
Aveeno has a nice daily exfoliating formula.
I actually just recently had 3 electrolysis sessions done on the side of my neck that I tweeze. Alot of the hairs were removed but not all of them and I am not going in for any more sessions because school just started and I do not want to go to class with my neck looking the way it does after an electrolysis treatment. Until I start going for electrolysis again I will have to tweeze the hairs that were not removed.
If you had not seen several practitioners prior to selecting the one you did, you may have missed someone in your area who could deliver a treatment result that you find acceptable.
I chose my electrologist based on advice I had gotten from my salonist who I go to for waxing sessions on my chest and back. I trusted her advice and was very happy with the results I got from the electrologist she referred me to. I think that if you are given advice from someone you know then it is probably better to go with it rather than go to someone you dont know.