TRIA Personal Laser System for sale

I don’t know if this is the appropriate place to post this but I saw a few other threads that had stuff for sale so I wanted to let anyone who is interested in purchasing the TRIA Personal Laser Hair removal system that I have an extra one for purchase.

This is a BRAND NEW TRIA – It has not even been activated yet!! I purchased 2 of them thinking my sister would use it but my sister’s friend works in a salon and gave her a huge discount on a salon laser package and since I purchased the TRIA from a 3rd party retailer with a 10 day return policy I am unable to return it. I am selling the TRIA completely UNOPENED and UNACTIVATED for 899 ($100 LESS than retail) . I will give you all the directions to activate it and I will require the seller to speak to me on the phone briefly before purchase. I will only accept PAYPAL for both your and mine security. Thank-you!!

How have your results been so far?

I just purchased the TRIAs a week and a half ago and used it as as soon as I received it. It’s been about a week and 3 days and the place on my chest there are a few hairs coming out when I use an exfoliating scrub in the shower. I’m so excited I hope sooo bad they never grow back… so far I have used the TRIA on my chest,lower back, butt, and abdomen. The directions say it takes at least 2 weeks for the hairs to fall out but the really fast growing ones on my chest have already begun so i’m excited. As far as the other body parts I will let you know in approx. a week.