Tretinoin and electrolysis

Hi everyone,

I’ve been getting electrolysis for over a year now and I want to start tretinoin 0.025 for acne. Can I still continue getting electrolysis? Will there be an adverse reaction?

I really appreciate all your help!

Just an opinion. I’m on Retin-A and have been for several years. I personally haven’t had any skin-melting reactions while receiving electrolysis. The professionals here might have a different opinion though, and they might be right.

There are a range of views on this topic. In my view, your dose is topical and a small concentration, so I would personally feel comfortable doing a more cautious treatment. I would avoid using tretinoin the day before treatment and only resume after my skin had healed a bit.

If you were prescribed this treatment through a doctor, you should consider consulting them.

Thanks so much! What do you mean by cautious treatment? What should I tell my electrolysis?

Tell your electrologist that you’re using tretinoin. They should be able to make a judgment on how to approach your treatment. By cautious treatment, I mean that I would be watching closely to notice any changes in the skin compared to treatments pre-tretinoin. Based on that, I could choose to lower the energy or thin the area if it was particularly dense.

It’s really going to be based on individual circumstances. The important thing is having a skilled electrologist who is willing to make changes if required.