Treating arms with GentleYAG, not working! HELP :/


I been treating my arms at Miami Beach Plastic Surgery Center and Medspa with the GentleYag. My skin is between a 3 and 4. The settings they used were

Joules: 20
MS: 10
Spotsize: 15

I just got my second treatment done a little over 2 weeks ago. I have seen almost no shedding at all. Should I ask for her to increase the settings? I have done my arms before at another place where they were using GentleLace and Yag and although I never finished and only received 3 treatments on my arms the hair would completely fall out each and every time. Any tips on what I should do? I rather get my money back then not have the treatments work. Thanks!

Can you post photos? Need to see how coarse the hair is. Are you male or female?

If there is no shedding, settings are too low.