Treat and leave

hello guys, i have acquired a sterex sxb and i am willing to start using it for my hands and upper arms, so the most logique is to use treat and leave for the efficiancy (or is it?), i have a question can it be harmeful (scarring or …) if i treat a follicule then forget to remove the hair from it ?(if i treat 10 and forget one or forget the location of one of them)


I wouldn’t bother to do treat and leave unless you’re struggling with regular blend. Just find the right settings and practice angle and depth of insertion, and you’ll be able to do regular blend.

well the problem is cant use the two hand technique if i work on my arm, so treat and leave is much quicker than switching between the probe and the tweezer no ?

Working on yourself is already very slow and requires being careful anyway. Switching between the probe and the tweezer will actually be quicker in the early stages of your learning and practising. This is because you likely won’t have the right insertions or energy levels at the beginning. If you have to go back and retreat follicles with a treat and leave approach, that will end up taking more time and will be confusing and frustrating.