Trans-friendly electologists? No identification required?

Hi. I’m looking for a trans-friendly electrologist that will not require any sort of identification. I’m in Louisiana and was told that I will not be allowed to benefit from electrology in my state due to the identification requirement.

I would appreciate any help that can be provided to me regarding this.


I have never heard of this before! can you give more details? Exact words on what Identification requirement means…

I was told it’s the law in Louisiana that anyone seeking electrology must provide their legal name and some sort of proof. When I said I wasn’t going to be giving photo ID, I was asked if I could show my birth certificate. That’s really invasive and creepy.

I’ve not been able to locate any information on laws regarding electrology in the state of Louisiana, so I can’t verify that I was told the truth. What I know is that two separate electrologists have required legal name and other identification in order to schedule a consultation, and one told me that it’s legally required here.

Not to be obtuse, but go to someone else. I highly doubt this is a requirement it would be the first time I hear of such a thing Sometimes health departments might require practitioners to keep track of client identities for tracking purposes, but to require actual ID sounds like overreach/ overreaction by someone who, got inspected and is now covering their butts.

I’m not willing to provide my legal name.

I guess I could try the other electrologists in this state before giving up. I’m shooting in the dark here with this post in case there’s info that I missed while researching this.

I’m sorry you’re having a hard time finding an electrologist! That’s really rough.

In my experience, most (if not all) professional electrolysis providers are going to require some identifying information on a damage waiver for liability reasons. Basically, we are asking you to sign a legally binding document that says you understand the risks associated with electrolysis and that you consent to having the procedure done and that you won’t sue if you don’t like the results. Asking for a legal name is just to have a record of who the person is that’s receiving the treatment.

All that said, you should definitely be able to find someone who can treat you respectfully and tactfully with regards to your legal name. I know Louisiana is pretty sparse on providers, but you should absolutely demand and expect someone to be baseline respectful of you. Don’t know what part of the state you live in, but if you can travel and have the will to, maybe consider something over state lines. Good luck <3