Topical Spironolactone Lotion?


I’ve recently heard that there is a topical spironolactone lotion for use by men with hair loss since they cannot take it orally. I wanted to know if you’ve heard anything about this. If so, can it be used by women who have excess male pattern hair growth? I think I might have Polycystic Ovaries Syndrome, but I have not been diagnosed as of yet. Any info would be greatly appreciated.

Hi Bittie–

Yes, there are a couple of people selling 5% Spronolactone lotion for male pattern baldness. You can probably get it made at any compounding pharmacy with a doctor’s prescription, too.

I am not aware of any published studies discussing the efficacy of this product when applied topically. It has been shown to help reduce male-pattern baldness and androgenic alopecia in women when take orally.

As far as body hair, ther is no published data on that either, although it has been demonstrated to help when taken orally. The effect is gradual and occurs over months and years. I myself took oral spironolactone for about two years and found it helped reduce my body hair by reducing my testosterone levels.

If you believe you may have a hormone imbalance or PCOS, it’s very important to get an official diagnosis before using a prescription drug like spironolctone.

Although some people are willing to give a topical product a shot, I recommend waiting until there’s some published data on effectiveness before spending a lot on a product like that.

Thanks for the info Andrea. I’m trying to get an appointment with an Endo, but the waiting lists are so long. Anyway, thanx again.