I went in for my first GentleMax treatment on Alex settings on 10j for my chest. I’ve also had a couple treatments on my back with GentleYag on 30j settings. There was little to no pain with the Yag, but the Alex today was quite painful, but not to the point that I had to stop. I asked to try 12j, and I probably could have handled it, but I didn’t want to take the risk of burning.
I’m a little concerned because it’s been 12 hours, and I’m still quite red. The redness on Yag went away after about an hour.
Also, there seems to be two stripes on non-redness on my stomach, and the skin directly around my nipples. Does that mean she completely missed those spots, or the laser could still affect those areas?
I’m between a type III and IV, so I would think I could handle an Alex laser. But I’m a little concerned since there was quite a bit of pain on the 10 and 12 settings. I’m afraid that these settings are too low, as I’ve heard read you need around 16 for truly effective permanent reduction.
But since the pain was much more noticeable than the Yag (which had little to no pain), does that mean it was more effective? In essence, does pain necessarily equate to effectiveness? Or do people experience substantial pain as well, but take pain killers before hand? I have no problem toughing it out with even more pain than I had today, as long as I knew it wouldn’t burn me permanently.