Timing of treatments

I have been getting LHR on my underarms once a month for the past three months. The nurse at the laser center said that monthly visits are best to ensure that hair is caught in the correct stage. I see that other places recommend 8 weeks though between treatments. Can anyone shed any light on this issue? On the one hand I feel like I might be getting hosed by having pricey treatments so often if they may be ineffective…on the other hand, I’m scared of missing a hair cycle and dragging this process out even longer simply because I decided to wait longer than a month between treatment.

Basically, should I stretch out the time between treatments or should i stay with the current schedule (pricier but at least guaranteed to catch the hair at the right cycle?!)

Not much point in doing the treatments once a month unless the extra expense is on them. They might as well tell you to do the treatments every week, this way for sure you will catch everything…

Ok bummer, I thought this place was trustworthy. I’ll just be more firm about spacing my treatments out in the future. The last time I tried I got a lecture about how I was going to miss a lot of growth that would be hard to catch again.

There is no set time. You have to go when you see enough new hair show up, i.e. don’t go if there is nothing to treat. If treatments are done correctly and are effective, all treated hair should shed within 3 weeks and you shouldn’t see enough new hair grow in until 8-12 weeks afterwards. So at 4 weeks, you shouldn’t have much to treat. Are you not seeing shedding? What machine is being used?

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I’m being treated with a Candela Gentle YAG laser. After about a week my hair will start to shed and by the four week period im mostly hair free with just some lighter thin hairs growing back. The RN at the center said that even if I can’t see the hair, it is still there lurking under the skin. Sounds like I bought the line hook and sinker, huh? I haven’t seen anyone else on these forums have treatments so close together.

Considering that I’m supposed to have 10 treatments, one a month, it seems like I could prob get the same effect with 5 treatments spaced out correctly.

You’ll actually get a better effect spacing them out every 2 months like you’re supposed to since the hair needs to be coarse, i.e. have pigment, for laser to be able to target it. When it first appears, it’s usually too thin.