time to heal from Electro

Hi guys, I went for my first treatment with someone recommended on here on Monday and because it’s a bit of a drive I decided to have a 3 hour session. In this time managed to get my upper cheeks and eyebrows and other noticeable hairs on my face. I asked her about aftercare and how I would look she said a bit of swelling and the area would be red because of the closeness of the hair and the amount of time done. I thought fair enough a few days of redness and swelling that’s fine. Also she said she wasn’t real fussy about aftercare and said to leave the area. Well the next day I had whiteheads or whatever they are on face especially in between the brows, I applied tea tree oil as I heard it recommended here and that helped a lot. But now its 5 days after my treatment and I have small brown dots whenever hair was treated and some of the thicker ones really noticeable. I wanted to ask if this was normal or should I be concerned? If so should I expect this every time. I wanted to this to help my confidence and I don’t want to ruin my face or not be able go out in public because it’s clearly obvious I have done something to the area. Any advice will be greatly appreciated. Im a guy by the way.

whiteheads are not a normal part of the healing process, but do no indicate a serious problem. Some reasons why they can occur is if client sweated after treatment, touched treated area with hands, applied makeup straight after treatment or sometimes some left over matter is left in the skin and the body produces pus to help pushit out. Keep the area clean and apply some antiseptic cream. If inflammation persists and skin starts looking worse then this may indicate a serious infection.You should see a physician.

I am assuming the brown dots you are talking about are the scabs. These are a normal part the healing process. They usually appear two days after treatment. Scabs on the face are usually very tiny and not very obvious.Do not scratch them they will slough off.Usually can take about 4 to 6 days on the face but longer time on the body. However your electrolgist can do something about trying to avoid getting scabs, if you mention this to her she will be able to tweek the levels.