Hi all,
I am a white straight male who is considering electrolysis on his beard/goatee area because my black facial hair grows in thick (both thick hair and the number of hairs per surface area) and I get razor burn. In addition. When I shave, I do not like the “5 o’clock” shadow or gray area that I have when clean shaven, but at the same time, I DO want to preserve my masculinity and not be completely bald on my face (this is NOT a trans case).
Ideally, my goal is what some guys naturally have, which is to be able to grow facial hair when I want, but when they shave, they do not have the shadow.
I have a few questions where your expertise will be helpful:
If I thin out my goatee area, will my face/facial hair still look natural (in the goatee area) when I shave or if I grow out the hair sometime in the future?
Assuming in point 1 will still look natural, how many hairs per (square inch?) area should I aim to have?
Any pictures or other commentary from the forum would be helpful.
I am scheduled to have an electrolysis treatment (90 minutes) later on this week, and was going to ask the practitioner to take the following approach:
- Work on “thinning” out the goatee/chin area since there’s a lot of hairs there
- Lower beard line on the cheeks area (essentially a removal to a certain point)
- Remove hairs above the chin but below the lower lip (those two oval-like areas where there is typically less hair)
A few additional questions:
- Does this seem like a logical approach for the visit?
- Will 90 minutes be enough to accomplish these items?
- What settings should I ask for to ensure the hair doesn’t grow back and that I have NO SCARRING or WHITE POCK marks (it is my face and will need to walk around the next day)
- With respect to lowering my beard line, should I make sure the practitioner ensures there is a " gradual transition" from the area with hair to the non-hair area (e.g. is it natural to have lots of hair in the beard then no hair on the cheeks, or should it be hair on the beard gradually reducing to no hair on the cheeks)? - which approach is most natural should I ever decide to grow a beard?
Pardon for all the questions but it is my face, so I cannot have any mistakes or leaving things to chance.
I look forward to hearing back from the forum.