Hi all!! So I was giving serious consideration into Professional Electrolysis on my bikini area and my under arms and maybe my upper lip, but am very confused or more so have a ton of questions. So if anyone would give me a little help I would deeply appriciate it. So I’m aware that everything in this process varies from person to person. I have been reading some of the already posted forums and get the idea that the overall time period is about a year for no regrowth, is this true?? If I am going to save for something like is there an ideal price range I should consider?? I currently shave the bikini area and underarms and wax my upper lip is it even worth the effort?? I also don’t know anyone who has ever done it and would like to get a referral from someone who has gotten it done in my area, where could I find someone? I also understand there is the three different types of electrolysis, which is best?? I am light skinned with brown hair if that helps any. Are there better options for me other that electrolysis?? Once again I deeply appriciate anyone who can give me some assistence in this!!