If you mean, is the back a common area to treat with electrolysis,I will have to answer, no, not for me. Other electrologists may have a different answer, so I hope they give their input.
The back is a very large area, made larger if all quadrants are covered with hair. Yes, it is possible to get it done with electrolysis. A speedy electrologist and a motivated client who comes for a couple weekly appointments can get permanent results in an 18-24 month time frame. The more you do up front, the faster you will see results and the faster you will look like you are finished. The trouble is, most men that I have seen are not patient and always want precise answers to the time to completion question. I can go pretty fast using thermolysis, but they expect instant gratification and that is not possible with electrolysis, treating hair by hair, inch by inch, with hair in all stages of growth.
Now, many will advise you to get lasered on such a large area and then finish it up with electrolysis if need be. If laser works in your favor, you will be left with a certain amount of hair that is reduced in size and in color. You may be pleased enough to stop there, but if you want total removal, you will eventually need electrolysis anyway. My point is, using the two modalities of laser and electrolysis for such a large area MAY speed the process up. Both will cost a lot of money for this area and there is nothing instant about either because of the unsynchronized hair growth cycles. Your situation is complicated with light hair, so you will probably be risking your money.
Read some of RCJ2001 posts. They pertain to your situation and he is truly a consumer expect who has experienced it all and explains his hair removal history with honesty and clarity.