Thermolysis settings for upper lip

I’ve had about 8 hours on my upper lip 2 months so far. I came across someone on here mentioning that if the settings are lower it would take forever to be finished with this area. I just had an appointment this week, and my electrologist mentioned that she was using a very low setting as she didn’t want to damage my skin which I completely understand. I don’t want to end up with pitted skin but is it true the results will take far too long if the settings are too low?

Previously she had told me from her other clients that the amount of hair I have i’d probably be done between 8-9 months (max a year)

As long as the hair is being removed without resistance, it’s nothing to be concerned about.

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I agree with Hairadicator. Is there resistance when the hair is lifted out after being treated?

I’m numbing the center of my upper lip right below my nose as I can’t tolerate the pain without a cream. I felt resistance maybe 2-3 times out of the 8 hours I have totaled so far. I think it’s okay as sometimes it happens, and she might have grabbed a hair near the area by accident.

That sounds good. I use a pinching or pulling technique and usually, my clients don’t need numbing creams. The action of pinching and pulling a mound of skin disrupts the nerve pathways.

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Wow didn’t know that technique helps with pain. I’ll bring it up to her when I see her this Friday :slight_smile: thanks, Dee.