Thermolysis for course male body hair

Hello everyone

Just a question. Do you think thermolysis is okay to be done on male course body hair assuming the practitioner has good experience. Ive had galvanic before and its my preference but im trying the older style thermolysis now. Should i get good results in general. Ive seen some high regrowth percentages quoted elsewhere but not sure what to believe. thanks for any info :slight_smile:

Most certainly! Of course! Absolutely! Thermolysis can be used on male, coarse body hair. I am about to start a five hour appointment this morning on a man’s back, shoulders and and upper arms using thermolysis. I will be using a custom-made Laurier probe for this work. The end results will be the same as if I had used any electrolysis modality ( blend, galvanic, manual thermolysis). More hairs per minute will be removed as well, with thermolysis, using a high -tech powerful epilator with special techniques.

Are you treating yourself or is someone else doing manual or slow thermolysis on you? If you are doing slow thermolysis, you may as well do blend.

I’m not male but some of the hair I have are the same as the male hair I’ve seen. On top of that some were quite distorted due to years of plucking/waxing. Frankly they resembled wires!

I say “were” because the particularly strong and wiry ones, the ones I thought would never go away (hence my name: impossable), were the ones that disappeared after just one or two treatments with modern, fast thermolysis.

Oh thats good to hear. yes, the electrologist is doing the old style thermolysis, none of the fancy new machines unfortunately. So is the old style just as good as the new modes on the new machines? So far ive had a few hours treatment on the back of the neck and around the front. Took about 10 days to return to normal looking skin. Going for another treatment this week and focusing on my shoulders. I will keep everyone informed how it goes.

As usual, it all depends on the skills of the operator.

Well, actually it matters a lot if a hair is released within a fraction of a second or within some few seconds (typically of the order of 8s) in classical thermolysis. Fast thermolyis is also possible with old manually controlled machines - but i am not sure that many electrologists master to fine control the length of an intense pulse of roughly with the pedal.