Hi everyone,
I’ve been attending a few consults for electrolysis on my stomach area (darker than normal; long ‘peach fuzz’) and I ran into an issue I’d love your help with. Both consults I will refer to were using thermolysis. In both cases, the electrologists basically inserted the needle in, out it went. As in, as soon as I could feel the hot needle go in, it was out. So maybe a treatment time of 2 seconds for each hair. When they removed the hairs, I didn’t feel plucking though.
When I asked both their opinion on the potential for regrowth, the first said it was likely, as she needed to ‘seal’ the blood vessel feeding the hair, and it wasn’t likely she was going to do that first try.
The second person said that it depends on the insertion skill of the operator but that my follicles are easy to treat (I didn’t wax or pluck the area before) so it’s unlikely. Oh and I did scab a little the next day, if that is an indication of successful treatment.
I’m just a little skeptical, because although the second person sounded knowledgeable, I’m afraid she is basically under treating the hairs so I it takes more treatment time (and money) overall.
Any insight is appreciated!