Thank goodness this site is available and people like Mr Bono with his videos. I am dealing with electrolysis skin damage, hopefully just temporary but due to lack of information who knows?? That is the reason for my post. We are all concerned about scarring, but if you have skin damage and you google “electrolysis scaring pictures” you get no results. So evidently no one has ever been scared from electrolysis. Or if you google “how long does inflammation from electrolysis last” you get 3-4 days, sometimes you might get “a month or two”… so where does that leave us? My inflammation has been months and months and is not gone so it must be scars, and since there are no pictures of electrolysis scars, I must be the only person who ever got them.
Yes I know, my post is mocking the information. But that was the point of it. If the professionals here wonder why electrolysis customers constantly ask questions about their skin damage here, it’s because the information on the internet indicates that if your skin healing isn’t completely resolved in a couple weeks, you are permanently scarred for life. And in my case, I can’t even get good information from my electrolgist. And I live in a state where you must be licensed and complete 1100 of study, and she is scratching her head over my inflammation. So is that not taught in school to an electrolgist? Are they taught no side effects last beyond a week? It is just very interesting how there is nothing on the internet that explains long lasting inflammation as a expected side effect. Or maybe I am just the unlucky person who had a reaction that is completely unheard of among electrolysis practitioners and customers alike.