For me, the worst part about struggling with facial hair as a woman is hiding it from my husband. I hate that! By staying on top of the problem, I can hide it from people in my daily life. But the person you live with is just bound to figure out that you’re engaging in constant hair removal. I find that embarrassing.
One thing that’s surprised me about reading this message board is that it seems the problem is more common than I thought. Don’t laugh … but I seriously thought I was in some kind of minority group along with “bearded women” in the old circuses … I swear I could’ve joined if I hadn’t engaged in hair removal all these years!
Something that hasn’t helped has been all the talk I’ve seen lately about facial hair in women being caused by a hormonal imbalance - too much of one of the masculine hormones? That rumor certainly doesn’t help my self-esteem any! Like, what are they saying? I’m half man, half woman? I don’t think so! I do get severe facial hair, but that’s it. I don’t think I’m “masculine” or something.
Anyway, I’m relieved to see that others also have this problem. That it’s not just me and the bearded ladies at the circus.
I hope some day there’ll be an EASY, CHEAP, 100 PERCENT EFFECTIVE solution to this problem … so that if I ever have a daughter, and she inherits this annoying problem, she won’t have to always worry that her husband’s gonna notice something between hair removals.