Maybe this one is of general interest. Despite of that tragical outcome of an eletrolysis session, some electrologists abroad still use lidocain injections. [i](Summary of a babelfish translation…)
Original article (german,[/i]
Paderborn. Actually she just wanted to remove the leg hair of the young woman. But the practitioner killed her customer - by injecting lidocain, which she was not allowed to apply. … Bodily injury resulting in death …
In January this year (2008), a 43 years old electrologist from Lippstadt was accused of injecting anaesthesia to her customer Carina G. during a hair reamoval treatment although this is permitted only to physicians or welfare practitioners. Carina G. suffered a collapse, fell in coma and died one week later.
With respect to the practitioner, the court decided quickly: Two years imprisonment on probation. … In addition, the studio owner must pay 5000 euro to both a non-profit mechanism and to the mother of the victim. „I hope that this case will serve as a warning to all colleagues”, attorney Dietmar Sauerland said.
She had used such injection for about 40 times.
Xylonest - a local anaesthetic requiring medical prescription - had been used by the electrologist. … Only these (physicians an medical practitioners) may inject stuff slike Xylonest. Dr. Bernd Karger, expert of the University of Münster, told why. The human body has different kinds of fatty tissue. At some places it is harmless to apply an anaestetics „subkutan". In some places, however, it is not harmless. He explains that Carina G. probably died because the needle injured a vene, the sustance entered the the bloodstream arrived and caused cerebral shock.