Hello all
If you go to www.radiancy.com, press on products and then the spatouch lite, you see a small device that is said to be a minature version of the spatouch pro for consumer usage at home.
My questions are: Is radiancy a company one can trust? Has anyone tried radiancy products or the Spatouch Lite? Anyone know the price of this machine, and WHERE one can buy one?
It annoys me because I figure that the LHE (light, heat and energy) theory would actually work on me (have light skin and dark hair), but they are extremly good at making it hard for a customer to find the products that they sell!! Not to mention I asked them before christman wether or not the No!No! product would reach Europe, and they said it would be in january… well now we are in july and still nothing… its frustrating because I really am interested in trying out the products they have…
Oh and sorry if I have posted this in the wrong thread. I dont know where to file LHE technology on the list…