The Electrolysis of a Spanish girl.

14 year old girl.

April 13, 2010. 45 minutes of thermolysis:

June 21, 2010. Before a session of 20 minutes of thermolysis:


Side effects: redness (few hours), inflammation (2 days), scabs (2 weeks) and slight hyperpigmentation (2.5 months).

Same girl.
Upper lip. a 30-minute session in April 2010. pictures taken today.

Side effects: redness (a few hours), mild inflammation (2 days). There were no scabs, no hyperpigmentation.

Congratulations, brave Carmen!!!

Hi Josefa:

Thanks for sharing the photos. I will look forward to seeing some future photos of the upper lip after a few treatments.

I’m sure the results will make her feel a lot more confident about herself.


Yes, my dear Alicia, self-esteem of this beautiful girl has grown significantly since the single session in April. It is a pity that I did not picture “before.” It was the first time she came to my workplace and I would not worry her more by photo of something she hated.
Yesterday was different. Now she trusts me and what is most important … she trusts on Electrolysis.

You better than anyone in the world knows what I’m talking about.

A big kiss.


Hi Josefa:

I’m sure the results from the treatments and the fact that she can place her trust and confidence in you has probably made a world of difference to her quality of life and hope for the future.

I know that you don’t look at this as merely a job and that cases such as this make you proud that you can help someone like her, and that is gratifying since you really care.

I know my electrologist is also happy to know what a difference she’s made in my life as well as that of countless others who really benefit from these treatments.I see the results as miraculous. I’d be completely lost without them, bereft of any hope.


I think if most people on this forum started with that little hair, they wouldn’t even want permanent removal :slight_smile: I wish I had the type of hair that could easily be shaved with one or two strokes. :slight_smile:

LAgirl: That girl’s lip was cleared back in April, so she’s already had a clearance with Josefa (and Josefa clears all hair, not just anagen). I’m guessing that’s why she looks so good in these recent photographs.

Enjoy the privilege have a smooth skin and free of hair is not the monopoly of those who have much hair.
This should be a privilege available to all people, rich and poor, young and old, hairy and hairless, men and women.

Why shaving if you can get PERMANENT hair removal?

Maybe this case is more deserving of the nickname “miracle.”

The miracle Of the Electrolysis!!!