I would really appreciate some advice about setting out with laser…
My first question is about test patches. How long should I wait after a test patch before deciding whether the proposed treatment levels were OK or not? I had one done, and my skin has calmed down after a day but I have redness around each of the follicles so my skin skill looks unsightly. Would I know by now if I was going to get brown marks / scabbing / pigmentation change, or should I wait a little longer before taking the plunge? (I’m desperate to start asap but nervous about skin reaction…)
The other question I have is about the appearance of skin before shedding takes place. I’m wondering if it looks/feels as bad as if you’ve just shaved and the hair is growing out, or is it a little finer? I’m worried about that few week period before shedding because I’m going to need to show my skin and will need to have some way of disguising the hair, either by bleaching or shaving.
Thanks for your help!