
somebody’s gotta stick a fork in me - i’m almost done … but there are a few little things that need to cleaned up.

i have a bunch of very very fine light-colored hairs under my pits, where the sun don’t shine, and legs.

was wondering what most of you would do … say “eff it i’m done” or take the obsessive compulsive route and continue to terminate the invisible buggers?

-dye them black and then make the poor electrologist go blind looking for them?

-dye them black and then laser them?

(if anyone has tried the dye thing successfully, would be intested to hear what dye you’re using …)

thanks …


you can’t use laser even if you dye them. the root needs to be dark for laser. it’s pretty funny how obsessive compulsive we become with the tiniest little hairs that are left. I’m having the same issue…to be compulsive and get rid of them or just leave them alone and shave once a month at most <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> decisions, decisions…

Hi rs,

I wish I had your problems! I’ve still got a lot of face, back, arms, etc. that need to be cleared.

I think that you should leave well enough alone and shave once a month, or less, depending upon what type of growth you get.

I think that when I get to that point (a lot sooner now as I’m taking antiandrogens/hormones) I would just concentrate on any hairs that go to anagen hairs from the “teenytinythinremaininghairs” , i.e. vellus hairs.

This should require about 2 to 3 15-min treatments per year and give you a lot more time and money for shopping and other worthy persuits.

Whatever you decide, good luck!
Joanne <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif" alt="" />

I’m having the same issue…to be compulsive and get rid of them or just leave them alone and shave once a month at most <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> decisions, decisions…

Ain’t that the truth! It’s so existential.

Do I wake up and shave, or try to save the little !@#$ers for the next treatment?
