Talked to an Electrologist and she recommended Laser. Why?

I talked to an electrologist about having my entire back done and she flat out said, that I need to have that done with laser. Not what I wanted to hear. She said that most people wouldn’t be able to stand the time it would take to do the entire back area. She recommended I have it removed by laser and then see her to finish up whatever is left. Is that common? Anyone else have this done?

I’ve always read so many negatives about laser treatment (not working). I scheduled an appointment for laser next week is it worth my time and money? It will cost me over $2000 for 6 treatments on my entire back. Its by a Advanced Laser Clinic franchise.

Can anyone add anything to this and give me some advice?


Men seeking electrolysis often get the shaft. What I am about to say won’t make me very popular, but the truth is, many electroogists are just to damn lazy to do the kind of work men need done.

They got into this business to get paid what they think is a great rate of pay, for doing little things like women’s cookie duster mustaches, and maybe a little eyebrow work here and there.

Many of them never became fast enough to make any serious progress on a big job like a back.

If you came to me, I would explain to you what a large job a back is, but I would not send you to the LASER people just because I was afraid or uninterested in the work. What the person you consulted said was basically, “Come back when you have less work for me to do and I will consider it.”

Your right James, but…I wouldn’t say “most” electrologist. I’m an electrologist in Wisconsin and am a CPE, State Examiner, Cosmetologist and on the WEA board. I welcome the challenge of a large area. I’ve done backs, legs, etc. The most of our cliental “is” small areas so when an electrologist is presented with a large area they get overwhelmed.

My post said MANY.
I never said most.
Reread my post and you will see that it never uses the word MOST.

Sorry but many is alot when there is only a few of us electrologist around. I’m not trying to offend you. Just wanted you to know that you are not speaking for all or even MANY of us… I think and of course this is my opinion that MOST of us would look at it as a challenge.

I had a similar experience when I went for my first electrolysis consultation. The lady did laser and electrolysis and just automatically started talking about laser and refused to really even discuss electrolysis. If I were you I would just try someone else. I am a woman but I have large areas that need to be done that are just FULL of fine hair. I am planning on working on basically my entire body. I found an electrologist who is really good who uses Flash Thermolysis. I have experience with the other modalities and it seems to me if you have a large area to get done, this is the only way to go (assuming you have a skilled electrologist as well). It will take a long time but it’s worth it. I have never tried laser but do not plan to after all that I have read. Electrolysis has been in practice for MANY MANY MANY years. It’s proven and laser is not and that was the main reason for my choice. Good luck to you, I would definitely seek out a few more electrologists for consultations.

So James, what would you advise? Should I seek out other electroylsis clinics or insist to this lady that I can handle the time required? Should I not do a course of laser treatments? I have my first one tomorrow.

How many hours would it take to do electroylsis on a males back who is 6’2" tall and has moderate growth?

Please don’t ask me if you should have LASER done. (there are too many ifs, ands and buts to whether or not you will have a good result for my tastes) My feelings on this subject are well stated all over this site. What you do knowing that is your choice.

I would not try to convince this person to do something she obviously doesn’t want to do. (but if you want to tell her you understand the process and are ready to get going, go for it) I would continue to check out other people in the area just because that is the right thing to do. You may find someone like electro, or myself who welcomes a large area job, instead of giving the profession a black eye by making like electrology can’t handle large area work.

How much time you take depends on many variables. I can’t tell you what your job will require. Who you work with, and the schedule you work on makes more of a difference there than anything else.

That being said, I have not seen you, so I don’t know anything about what your situation… 75 hours is a good benchmark for a back. Depending on your practitioner, your equipment, and your schedule (to say nothing of your hair count) your hour count could be much lower or much higher.

Maybe other men who have experienced what I mentioned (and electro seems to think doesn’t happen often) could share their experiences, and how long it took for them to find someone to take them on as a client.

75 hours for one treatment of the whole back??? Or would it take 75 hours total for multiple treatments to get it all removed permanently?

THe lady who didnt want the job, seemed to be the most qualified with the most experience in my area.

75 hours for the entire treatment period. It may initially take several strenuous hours to work on the area, but once you get where the area is being cleared or nearly cleared every time (especially on the back), you will obviously have shorter sessions and be well on your way to being done. Some may not like this suggestion, but unless I was planning on seeing a dedicated electrologist who was either really fast or could guarantee some heavy focus on such a large area, I would consider a few jolts of the laser to weaken and reduce the hairs on the back. But I would be highly skeptical of any “electrologist” who refused my request and only suggested one route, being laser.

Just make sure that whatever you do and whoever does it, its what you want done.

Well I had my first laser treatment done today on the lightsheer. Wasn’t bad. Took about an hour, nearly painless (most of the time). We’ll see what happens.

James, based on your 75 hour estimate. How many hours would it take to go over the entire back just once?

Again, I have not seen you. I don’t know what you really need done, and how long anything will be, because I don’t know who will be doing it either. 12 hours or less is a ballpark.

Do a search on cost and time. There are a few five star strings that explain all on this subject. I really can’t take the time to restate all that again here.


A crude way to ESTIMATE how long a FIRST CLEARING will take on your back is to just go and pay for an hour appointment, and have your electrologist work away to clear an area (hopefully with flash thermolysis). Measure the size of that finished area completed against what is left on your back. I do this all the time and in the end we come pretty close to the original estimate to clear an area for that particular persons hair density. Digging out ingrown hairs will slow things down if you have that problem, so add a little extra time.

I like to do one appointment for those that are insistent on having the time factor question answered because it tells me how much they can tolerate electrolysis in this area. The better they can tolerate, the faster I can go. I have my wigglers and “let me change my position every 3 minute” clients and I have clients that are very still and tolerate the heat well. I can go really fast on these clients.

I think RCJ2001 does a consistent and credible job explaining the laser part of things to all of us. It would be great if there were other consumers that would post their happenings with long-term laser on the back. In my mind, it still seems “iffy” on this man hair and boils down to type of laser used and is practitioner dependent. You can try both and share what you discover with us. We’re all ears around here and appreciate all the great posters who share their stories.


So as an examples it could take 6 two hour treatments to clear my back once and then additional treatments to finish it?

It looks like I’ll atleast do 3-4 laser treatments, more if I think its working, so I will let you guys know.

People always talk about practicioner skill as a reason for effective laser results. What is so hard about doing laser? From what it looked like, the woman just moved the laser a 1/2 inch and pulled a trigger. What could she do wrong there?

You’ll have to ask that question of someone who does laser,as I am an electrologist. RCJ2001 could respond to this well, so I hope he will see your post or you can privately e-mail him. If I had to make a guess about the laser skill, I think it has something to do with using the right amount of joules and going to someone who has a laser that will be right for your problem as well as skin color.


my electrologist says that she believes laser is pretty good on body hair, but she doesnt recommend it on face. i agree, if something goes wrong, i wouldnt want it going wrong on my face. and she says it works well on the body hair.

everyone else around me is trying to convince me to use laser, but most of the stuff i read here about laser is negative and the last thing i want to happen is to pay hundreds of dollars just to have the hair grow back thicker and more!!

but maybe this winter i’ll do laser on my armpits. for now, i am sticking with electrolosis.


What’s so hard about doing LASER?

That is almost as bad as asking “What is so hard about performing a perfect electrolysis insertion!” or maybe “What’s so hard about hitting a fast ball.” or “What’s so hard about nailing a Triple Axle.”

There are many factors that go into making a good treatment setting (in either LASER or Electrolysis) A LASER tech must take into consideration the type of hair, the type of skin, and try not to cause any problems with skin pigmentation areas. In the end a mistake on a LASER treatment is usually not caught until one has finished treating the whole area. It may not be discovered until the client wakes up the next day. In some cases, it will take weeks for the problem to become obvious.

A LASER tech must know biology of the skin, some College Level Math and some Physics. You know, all those classes American kids avoid taking when they are free in high school.

It is not as easy as pick up the hand piece, turn the machine on, and make clicking sounds. And remember, in the end, you take the blame if anything bad happens. Sometimes you can’t predict a bad result with all the information you have to go on, and that is why Fino and I both pass on it.

Fino not only got rid of his machines, he gave all his LASER clients refunds, or free electrolysis as a way of refunding their money.