hi everyone Im very glad I came across this post. I have plenty of information on this subject. I am sharing this information because I ve always wanted something that would make me hair free. This method has been used for hundreds of years in middle east but unfortunately is not very well known in Europe or other parts of the world. My mother doesnt have any hair on her body, even on her underarms, legs, bikini area and etc. and she never had any hair in those areas. Because when she was a baby my grandma rubbed ant egg oil all over her body to stop hair from growing on her body once she becomes an adult. As a result she is absolutely hair free. Unfortunately my mother didnt do the same for me because at that time we were living in a city and she wasnt able to find any ants let alone ant eggs. Recently I found out that ant egg oil as actually being sold over the internet. I contacted some people that used it and they say that they are getting very good results. So I tried it for myself and I am trully very happy because my hair is getting less and less. The website that I bought it from says that you have to use it for 5-6 month to be completely hair free. One needs to wax the area where the unwanted hair grows and then use the oil/cream for 4-5 nights on the waxed area. It is important that the hair is removed from roots before applying the oil/cream. I thought I would share it with other women so that they can benefit it from it too. Its something that should be shared with everyone because the results are amazing. Sincce it is all natural there is no side effects. Try searching ant egg oil on the internet to obtain more information, however there is very limited information in English. I speak Turkish that is how I have been able to locate the web site that sells this product. Please feel free to ask any questions. My email address is abd_nika@hotmail.com U can also add me on msn.
I am sharing this information because I ve always wanted something that would make me hair free. This method has been used for hundreds of years in middle east but unfortunately is not very well known in Europe or other parts of the world. My mother doesnt have any hair on her body, even on her underarms, legs, bikini area and etc. and she never had any hair in those areas. Because when she was a baby my grandma rubbed ant egg oil all over her body to stop hair from growing on her body once she becomes an adult. As a result she is absolutely hair free. Unfortunately my mother didnt do the same for me because at that time we were living in a city and she wasnt able to find any ants let alone ant eggs. Recently I found out that ant egg oil as actually being sold over the internet. I contacted some people that used it and they say that they are getting very good results. So I tried it for myself and I am trully very happy because my hair is getting less and less. The website that I bought it from says that you have to use it for 5-6 month to be completely hair free. One needs to wax the area where the unwanted hair grows and then use the oil/cream for 4-5 nights on the waxed area. It is important that the hair is removed from roots before applying the oil/cream. I thought I would share it with other women so that they can benefit it from it too. Its something that should be shared with everyone because the results are amazing. Sincce it is all natural there is no side effects. Try searching ant egg oil on the internet to obtain more information, however there is very limited information in English. I speak Turkish that is how I have been able to locate the web site that sells this product. Please feel free to ask any questions abd_nika@hotmail.com
If this stuff works, why isn’t it being sold on every corner in the US? We spend more than 2 BILLION dollars a year in the US to remove hair. Why does this company NOT want a piece of that?
One thing that is a huge pet peeve for me (maybe because of my allergies and asthma) is when someone claims that because a product is “all natural,” there are no side effects. We need to always remember that poison ivy is “all natural.” Snake venom is “all natural.” Hemlock is “all natural.” The list goes on…
This product is something that has been used since very old times. There are many other natural remedies that are popular in Middle East and has been used for hundreeds of years that are not heard of in US. I know about it because I am not originally from US. I am not selling this product so I have no gain in promoting the company. I just wanted to share my knowledge about this product since I know how important it is for women to be hair free. Many women in my family had ant eggs rubbed all over their body when they were kids and therefore are hair free.
dont worry everyone, today I am going to open a review about this product, because I have bought it and Im going to show you if these middle east stories are true or just scam…
here is the link of the review…
Thanks, buddy. Do this like a true scientist, okay?
Hey, every one. Ant- Eggs DO work!! My grandmother used it on my mom when she was born. And then my Mom used it on my sister the day she was born. They both have NO hair on their body and face. It’s crazy to beleive. Our family is hairy (all my uncles my dad too). my sister is hair less! she dosn’t even have to tweeze between her brows! lool, not even pubic hair!
now here’s the MOST IMPORTANT POINT: I’m a pretty hairy guy!! Too bad my mom didnt use it on me :(… I called my grandma and asked her, she said Ant eggs will never work on adults, it has to applied on a baby “right after birth”. My father is a medical doctor board certified MD Orthopedic sugeon, & like many other doctors he never beleives in natural remedies. But this time he did bleive, After seeing his daughter’s skin hair free (she is now 18 years old). As i said the eggs are to be applied only on new born babaies! Won’t work on adults. My Aunt did the same to he daughter (she is now 17) & no evidence of hair. the reason why american corporations havn’t gotten in this business cuz First when the baby is born no one gives a F*ck about his or her hair, he’s born hairless anyways & the family will be busy celebrating. Second it’s hard to find eggs. you have to go to villages and dig it out. My grand ma is Lebanese, she got them from a farm in northerm lebanon mountains. and when applying it for the baby it has to be PURE Ant eggs. no additives. the way it’s done : Mash the Ants eggs untill they become a creamy like solution, then apply it all over baby body like regular lotion. do not shower baby for one day after application. It’s proven PROVEN. For those of you who still do not beleive this, well I’m not asking you to! I’m sharing personal experiences.
As for my self in doing “Diode Light sheer laser” and seeing great relsults! yes expensive, but no other option for my age.
hi, iam lebanese but born in canada i have never hear of such thing, maybe becuz i was born in canada, but it sound great! if it really work, and i can tell you one thing, my mom came from a little village in lebanon and she is HAIRLESS so i dont know where i got the hair from, maybe my grandma used aunt oil on my mom who knowns! i have heard lots of older women from back home telling us younger weman what to use on our newborns mostly baby girl when they are born to reduce hair, one thing was rubbing dough (kidda like waxing with dough) to remove any fuzz off the new born and that girl will not grown anymore hair when she gets older (i don’t believe that works) i have also heard about washing babies in salt water so when they get older they will not have body odour, i heard about bat blood as well!
come to think of it when i did visit that little village in lebanon i do notice that most of the girls are hairless, but maybe it is of their life style (what they eat, the air, the nature) their life it very simple, everything they eat its grown in their back yard, meat is not served everyday, mostly weats and vegs rice beans etc… are all they eat 80% of the time. But i do believe one day there will be some “MAGIC” pill or cream that will get ride of hair forever and hopefully its before i die heheheheheheh
so keep ur fingers crossed
Elvis how did you go trying the Ant oil? did it reduce your hair? Because I’m thinking about ordering some.
Now, ain’t science great?
Reading this months later but I have a question from the people who have relatives with no hair because the ant oil was applied to them as babies. My question is: do they have normal hair growth on the scalp, eyebrows and eyelashes?? I also wonder if they were able to have normal ‘hormonal’ lives? Isn’t hair present because of androgens circulating in the bloodstream? Are these people WITHOUT androgens???
“ … the people who have relatives with no hair because the ant oil was applied to them as babies.”
In science this is called a false observation. That is, a person sees two things happening at the same time and concludes that one caused the other. The classic example is the rooster that thinks that he MUST crow, or the sun will not come up. He has experienced this and it seems like a cause and effect.
Other examples could fill a book. The Aztecs cut out human hearts to ensure a good harvest. Hey, it seemed to be working! Or the young man that shaves his chest and then gets more hair. He assumes that shaving caused this.
Putting on ant oil as a baby and then having no hair is a pathetic non-scientific notion that can only be believed by those with pretty low intelligence, and certainly no understanding of science. Sorry, but statement like the above deserve to be rebuked in harsh terms. You need to be shaken up so you can think!
At the moment the entire world seems to be anti-science, anti-technology and anti-engineering. One American political party is fast becoming the “Anti-Science Party,” and that frightens me to the core. Science and Reason are our only salvation. Pray if you must, but send your kids to college for a good education in the sciences. Oh yeah, an forget about the ant oil!
How do you make ant oil? Are ants naturally oily?
Good question Dee,
See, ants drive little cars, Hondas I think. When they take their car in for an oil change, they save the oil … thus: “Ant oil!”
I know it’s a bit of a stretch, but after all this is “show biz.”
I feel myself rather stupid, asking this question. But, is it any chance that applying Ant Oil on a child before puberty can prevent hair growth at all? I feel that it is a scam, but maybe if applying it before the first hair emerges, would work? Though, I do doubt in it!
Also, one more question arose from it: assuming that it works on small children and babies. How one knows that enough id enough to apply Ant Oil. Does one needs to apply it on all baby’s body for every single day for years before puberty? (Or my, it is going to be for year!) Or just for one month at from 1 year-old, for example?!
hi, im 31years old and lived in iran my whole life, i heard about this oil all my life, yet i didn’t believe it would work, i started laser hair removal more than 10 years ago but since i had light peach fuzz on my arms the peach fuzzes turn into darker hair that never goes away not even with ten years of all kind of lasers… i bought ant oil 2 month ago and applied it and the hair was gone after three weaks!!! then i stopped and so far not even a single hair has grown there… i will wait to see if it’s permanent or not… the amount of money i spent on laser is crazy and this oil is really cheap here!!! i used it 3 times a weak, on wet skin i rubbed the oil on the skin for 5 minutes then let it be there for 1 hour max… it really work if the oil is PURE thats all i experienced and i only used it on my arms, if you have dark hair you should
hi, im 31years old and i started laser hair removal more than 10 years ago but since i had light peach fuzz on my arms the peach fuzzes turn into darker hair that never goes away not even with ten years of all kind of lasers… i bought ant oil 2 month ago and applied it and the hair was gone after three weaks!!! then i stopped and so far not even a single hair has grown there… i will wait to see if it’s permanent or not… i used it 3 times a weak, on wet skin i rubbed the oil on the skin for 5 minutes then let it be there for 1 hour max… it really work if the oil is PURE thats all i experienced… and i only used it on my arms, if you have dark hair you should give it more time to show the results