Switched centers, so now different laser....

I was having treatments at a center in Manhattan, Litetouch laser, they were bought by another company (I think this is the case) and the center I have to go to now is using a different laser called they called a yag. I was receiving treatments from a laser called apogee elite. I am 32, male, light skinned Hispanic and have done 5 treatments on my chest and back. So far the hair has thinned and is gone in a majority of the area. Will switching to this other machine effect my results?

The Apogee Elite is a combination laser, an alexandrite and a yag. We’re they using the yag part of the laser for you at LiteTouch? If they were, then it’s okay to use the yag side of the Apogee Elite. Share your concerns with them since you are on a roll and happy with the results.



Not really sure what part they were using, is this critical? The company I was going to was called Litetouch, now the center they are sending me to in called Lasercosmetica and they are using what they told me a yag laser. So if the apogee is a combination and the yag is not, should this concern me? I have read here that for my skin type they would recommend an alexandrite.

It sounds like you need a Yag for your skin type even if you are a light-skinned Hispanic, but that should be determined by a person who is experienced and can see you. The Apogee Elite is a combination laser. Litetouch may have been using the yag option on you with this laser, but you just don’t have that information. So, if your skin is pale, they would have used the alexandrite option. If your skin has color, they would have chosen the Yag option. Even though you have read here that you have the skin type for an alex, they should be determining that because they can see you and we cannot. I’m assuming that you arrived at your skin type by reading lagirl’s laser faq’s page?

So LightTouch was purchased by Lasercosmetica or not? Did that include the lasers from Lighttouch? Do you feel comfortable with the Lasercosmetica staff? How long have they been in business? I am assuming that they know what you need, but go in with your own research as well and ask them questions. Do they offer test patches initially?

Note: It would be good for all laser clients to know the name of the laser and the settings used, especially if they were getting good results because you never know when a business is going to close and you have to scramble to find the same setup at another place.